Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Bastards Pitchfork

One Tuesday a month I participate on the Mt. Wilson Trail Race Committee... tonight was that night, which was why I had the dubious honor of pre-running tonight's course at 4:30, along with the distinct pleasure of watching the rest of the Bastards start the run at 6:30.
BASTARDS! Tonight's 6:30pm practice will be at the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Station on Grandview and Stonehouse just west of Santa Anita. Practice will be primarily road so bring your headlamps and reflective vests...Bob O. and Dave O. may remember the Devil's Pitchfork Run, well tonight's Bastard Pitchfork is very similar...RSVP in comments!

I chose to run the Arno loop backwards, then head down to Kersting, up Michillinda, then finish with Carter and race downhill back to SAR, for a total of 7.48 miles.  I ended up walking part way up Michillinda and the majority of One Carter, which totally blew my pace.  I was targeting 75 minutes and came in at 81, but it was a good fight and definitely not a Z1 effort for Roadkill.  Oh, and today I brought music! It made a HUGE difference in keeping my head quiet and feet moving and a reasonable clip.  

While I was listening to Coach brief the Bastards before the run, I realized that they were going to be running a slightly different route; one with a climb up Liliano but without the loop over Arno and Santa Anita, saving them a quarter mile. I'm working very hard to keep up with the team and even with that slight variance, I would be very interested to see what the times were for my peer group.  If anyone kept track, how about posting a comment so I can get a comparison?   Pretty please?  :-)

As for the CrossFitting this week:

Hang Clean
3 @ 53
3 @ 58
3 @ 63
3 @ 68
3 @ 73

Followed by:
12 wallballs (16/8)
9 TTB 
6 Box Step-ups (my leg isn't healed from catching my toe two weeks ago, so I wasn't willing to jump and risk hitting the same spot... yet)
I scored 4 rounds and 17 reps, which was really slow, but my focus was on the toes-to-bar and while I'm slowly getting better at them (can finally feel my lats & traps engaging!), they still took quite awhile.

Weighted Pull-ups (negatives w/12lb KBS) 2,2,2,2 x 4
Dumbbell Rows 12 @20, 12 @25, 12@25 per side 
(Skipped the burpee segment since I was running this evening)
Powell Raises - 10 @ 7lb, 10@6lb, 10@6lb, 10@5lb per side - these are brutal - I started too heavy, and kept downing weight... which is bass-ackwards from what we're supposed to do.  Obviously, I am still resisting the humbling power of a mere 5lb weight. 

On a side note, I spent an awesome weekend on a spiritual retreat that filled my head and heart so wonderfully, even as it filled my body with crap.  One day I'll learn how to maintain proper eating during extended stays in my other world, but so far... no go.  Way too many temptations and not nearly enough sleep, lead this woman down the road to debauchery every time.  Good thing it was a sober retreat.  Ha!

Even the peacocks couldn't resist tempting their fate to come inside and eat from the goodies table...

Good night my friends and thanks for reading!

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