Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CrossFitting and Racing the Rain!

So, I realized that I've still not been giving a complete picture of my training since I've been neglecting to post about CrossFitting, which I also do with relative consistency. So, starting this week, my AB posts will also reflect the rest of my training...

Monday CrossFit @ 9am:
10 V-Ups + 10 (CTD) Push-ups x 10 rounds or 15 minutes = 170 score (8.5 rounds completed in 15 minutes)

Tuesday CrossFit @ 9am:
(I don't always CF on AB days, it depends on the WOD. Today there was a good chance of AB rain out, so I trained in the am just in case the night was a bust. So glad I did. The workout was an absolute blast, especially since I was able to do it to standard. A vary rare treat possible only because of age bracketing.

TEST DAY - Maverick - Precursor to the Legendary Competitors Diamond of The Tough Masters Competition we are hosting on Saturday... (Shameless plug:  We have 6 super tough master athletes competing.  Come join us any time, we'll be there from 8am to at least 6pm and the bigger the cheering section the better.)

Given 5 minutes, establish:
3RM Front Squat = my score 105#
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP5: 7 box jumps (20in) + 7 pull-ups = my score 2 rounds
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 5: 7 burpees + 7 power cleans (65#) = my score 3 rounds
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP5: 7 thrusters (65#) + 7 TTB = my score 2 rounds

Then evening fell and what do you know, Eric's cadre actually does control the weather because contrary to all weather reports it wasn't raining!

BASTARDS: Tonight's 6:30pm practice will begin at the Bastard Qualifier Course. Bring your headlamp and your trail shoes. There will be a quick GoRuck re-cap after practice at Lucky Baldwins for those interested. IF IT RAINS, go straight to LBs. RSVP in comments if you're attending one, the other, or both.

I was one of about a dozen of the diehard Bastards to show up at Eaton Canyon for what was originally going to be a suck fest of double qualifiers. Instead he gave us a number of options. I think almost all of us chose the same game, we just ran it in 2 different groups.

My group started off just me and Marleigh, going out the qualifier course to find the waterfall and back. (About 5 miles according to Joe.) Since neither of us have ever been there we knew we had an adventure ahead of us.

Before we'd gone far Maggie and Crazy Joe caught up with us. I love the idea that when a racer needs to rehab a strained muscle they come hang at the back of the pack. It was the first time I've run with Joe and he was an absolutely fabulous leader! He led the three of us all the way to the falls at a quick but totally manageable pace. It was a very good thing we had him too because I'd have never been able to find the path through all seven water crossings.  (Note on the water crossings... I was the only one who opted to just walk through the water, versus rock hopping, on the way back since it was much faster and safer and my feet didn't mind being wet in the slightest.)

On the final leg out it started to rain very lightly, so we didn't hang out at the falls, but turned back immediately. Joe had a strong sense of urgency that we not dally and boy was he right. No sooner had we started back when it started to actually rain. Not super hard, just steady.  Here's a really nice picture of the waterfall, minus the graffiti some jerk left...

As soon as we made it back to the bridge and on to the main trail we opened it up a bit and at least Roadkill raced the rain home. Everyone else was still laughing and chatting, but then we all know RK has to work twice as hard as the rest of the team. It's just the nature of the position and I'm definitely used to it now. Total time on the trail 60 minutes max.

I can't hardly describe just how much fun the run was, rock hopping, laughing in the rain, running with headlamps... tonight was the most perfect example of why I wanted on this team so bad... great fun, great adventure and absolutely great people!

Tonight I'm blogging from my phone, while laying in a nice hot epsom salt bath... so lovely for tired muscles but not so nice for the scrape from a missed box jump this morning.  So, one leg in and one leg in, sting, out, in, sting, out, in, sting, out...  Get the picture?  lol!

Until Thursday night, be well and enjoy the rain my friends!

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